Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Sweet Potato Pie > Humble Pie

As I've mentioned several times before, I'm a really slow runner. However, at the end of a race I have a good kick that usually lets me blow by a few of the other slow runners. It gives me a great sense of accomplishment to bear down on someone (usually like an octogenarian with a walker) and pass them with mere yards to spare. It's something I pride myself on.

This used to happen a lot in high school when I was on the high school cross country team. I wasn't good enough to even be on the JV team so it was basically just for fun. There were a couple of races that I still remember because I was able to pass a couple of my usually faster teammates at the end. It was usually the only time I beat them all year but on that day I was the better man.

In a half marathon I ran last year I was cruising down the homestretch, with a grandpa in my cross-hairs when a girl blew by me on my left side. (I guess I'm letting a little sexism show, so I apologize to womanhood everywhere) There were probably two hundred women that had already finished before me, but in that moment they didn't matter. In an all out foot race with a teenage girl, I ate her dust.


Technically this isn't sweet potato pie because there isn't a crust and it's supposed to be served alongside the rest of your feastly fare, but it's loaded with sugar and butter so I made the editorial decision that it belongs, with pride, among the dessert hall of fame that is this blog. (I was going to call it "My Yammy Vice" but someone once told me that word play is the lowest form of humor. Personally I think the lowest form is watching someone get hit the groin on AFV. It's hilarious!)

Heaton's Sweet Potato Pie

4 cups sweet potatoes or yams, cubed (white sweet potatoes are recommended but can be difficult to find)
1/2 cup sugar
2 eggs, beaten
1/2 tsp salt
4 Tbs butter
1/2 cup milk
1/2 tsp vanilla extract

Boil sweet potatoes until tender and drain. Add rest of the ingredients and mash to your desired consistency. (I like it really smooth.) Pour in a 8X8 pan. Sprinkle evenly with topping. Bake at 325 degrees for 30 minutes.

1/2 cup brown sugar
1/3 cup flour
3 Tbs butter
1/2 chopped pecans

Mix sugar and flour. Cut in butter. Mix in pecans.

Courtesy of Analise Heaton

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